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JP Tower OSAKA / Office Support Floors

Photography by:Toshiyuki Yano

The office support facilities at JP Tower Osaka, exclusively for tenant companies, are spread across three floors: the 9th-floor  "Re-sort" (which includes a cafeteria, cafe, convenience store, sauna, fitness area, etc.), the 17th-floor  "Session"  with conference rooms, and the 8th-floor  "Club Umesan",  a social lounge. To maintain the well-being of those working in the tower, we considered it beneficial for the transition between desk work and other activities (such as meetings, lunch, or breaks) to have a significant shift in the atmosphere. A design challenge was to create a distinctive "atmosphere" in these spaces that felt dramatically different from the office floor (the so-called "standard floor").

For example, the atmosphere of the 9th-floor Re-sort (a play on both
"re sort" and "resort") was intended to make occupants forget they were in the same building as their office or feel as though the mental load accumulated throughout work could be momentarily washed away. Inspired by spacious spa resorts, we used curves, soft textures, colors that complement natural light, and greenery to create a space that would allow for mental and physical refreshment (Re-sort) each time it's visited.


This concept of relaxation near a workspace (where colleagues are present) suggests that rather than passively resting in a designated break area, it might be even more effective to "refresh" by wandering through the expansive floor between tasks, including an outdoor garden, in an aimless stroll. We called the concept "active relaxation," and designed meandering pathways and flowing lines to encourage spontaneous movement, completely breaking away from the conventional, linear, and rational office layout. This approach guided the planning and placement of furniture, artwork, etc.

JPタワー大阪のオフィスへの入居企業のみが共用するオフィスサポート機能は、メインフロアである9階Re-sort(食堂、カフェ、コンビニ、サウナ、フィットネス等)、会議室の並ぶ17階Session、そして社交ラウンジとしての8階 倶楽部 梅三の、3つのフロアで構成されています。1つのタワー建築内で仕事をしながら心身の健全さを保つためには、デスクワークとそれ以外の諸活動(会議、昼食、休憩等)とで気分の切り替えの振れ幅が大きいほどよいと考え、どの機能に関してもいかにオフィス階(いわゆる基準階)と大きく異なる「空気」を創り出せるかをデザインの課題としました。




9th Floor: Designed views that attract people’s gaze as they move through the space.

17th Floor: Floor naming and interior design to foster a positive mindset for meetings and discussions.


8th Floor, Club Umesan: A salon space that revives Osaka’s Taisho-era social club culture, blending retro and authentic elements with modern design.
8階 倶楽部 梅三:大阪で大正時代より華開いた社交倶楽部文化の復活を標榜したレトロでオーセンティックな要素にモダンデザインでリミックスしたサロン空間

July 2024


日本郵政不動産株式会社 (Japan Post Real Estate Co., Ltd.)

UDS Ltd.


Project Planning Support
r Design Direction
Furniture Design Direction

Floors Branding (Naming etc.)

Project Planning : UDS Ltd.

Interior & Furniture Design: UDS Ltd.

Graphic Design: 75W (T. S. Wendelstein)

Lighting Design: HIBIKI, Inc.

Construction : 株式会社 竹中工務店(TAKENAKA COPORATION)

Herbalist Supervision: Tabel Co., Ltd. (Lyie Nitta)

Photography Art of the 9th Floor: YUKAI Co., Ltd. (Masanori Ikeda)

Ceramic Sculpture Art of the 8th Floor: Kim Riyoo



Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagasaki, Japan

Urban planning, Architecture, Interior design

都市、建築、インテリア​ デザイン


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